WordPress PlugIn Update: “No All in one SEO Notifications – STOP nagging me”
After a few months, we wrote a small update of our anti-backend SPAM WP PlugIn: “No All in one SEO Notifications – STOP nagging me”.
Unfortunately, the “All In One SEO” plug-in for WordPress has generated even MORE spam messages and fields with pointless advertising in its last versions. Therefore, we also had to “pull on”.The next version is already in the works and will also give you opportunities to decide where you want to have something hidden. “All In One SEO” not only has SPAM on the category and keyword pages, but also overcrowds the admin bar with endless menus, which pointlessly refers to “Nope, for that you have to buy something first” areas. Of course, we like the plug-in, but the wp admin backend is not a bazar.
Free download on WordPress.org
Here the link to download it from WordPress.org
If you do not want to install another plug-in or want to install the function directly into your theme or service plugin, please send us a short message, then we will send you a code snippet that can be inserted into the functions.php.

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